Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I love lighthouses!  Anyone who has been to my house in the last 15 years knows this to be true.  I have always loved the image of Christ as a lighthouse.  We can always find Him, even on our darkest days.  His light is there for our every need.  It lights our path (Ps 119:105), His light and truth will lead us (Ps 43:3), He is the light of the world (Matt 5:14, John 8:12).

Those of us who are blessed to be Christians, to have accepted by faith Christ as our Saviour, must never forget that Christ's sacrifice on the cross was for OUR personal sins.  Every day I am reminded as I look at the photograph of a lighthouse that hangs on my living room wall, that my purpose for living is to simply be a reflection of Him.  To shine His light into the dark night of sin that is all around me. 

Oh, that every true Christian would remember that they are set as a lighthouse in the midst of a dark world, and would labor so to live that every part of them may reflect light, and no side be dim.

J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)

I read this quote for the first time this week.  I have been asking the Lord to show me what side of me is dim, or worse dark.  I answers aren't always (well to be honest almost never) easy or what I want to hear.  But I know they are what I need.

How's your light?  Any dim or dark sides?

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